- Never ever use your watch brush without wetting it first.
- Never ever use your watch brush without spraying or foaming your watch with WristClean’s watch cleaner first.
- Use sparingly and only when needed. Otherwise, use your fingers to gently massage the watch surfaces with watch cleaner.
- Use brushes on areas that are not highly polished and only if needed, on areas that are highly polished.
WristClean watch brushes are very soft. However, like anything when additional tools and products are used, risk increases for additional micro-marring. In addition, when using watch brushes, it is absolutely imperative to wet the bristles so they become even softer. By spraying or foaming your watch with WristClean’s watch cleaner first, the cleaner protects the watch surfaces by acting as a “lubricant” to the surfaces. The soft, wet bristles will safely whisk away and remove particles and impurities between crevices of your watch. To the contrary, without wetting the brush first or using watch cleaner, if you had used a dry brush on a dry surface, you run significant risk of the bristles dragging impurities and particles across highly polished surfaces leaving a trail of swirls.